
Andrew Holycross, Ph.D
Arizona State University
Ecology of the Animas Montane Herpetofaunal Community.

Jared Holmes
Conservation and History of Southwestern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.

Jennifer Moore, Ph.D
Grand Valley State University
Research to inform conservation of threatened eastern massasauga rattlesnakes.

Johan Morais
African Snakebite Institute
Human-snake Conflict with Mozambique Spitting Cobras and Snakebite in South Africa.

Randy Babb
Arizona Game and Fish Department (retired)
Natural History and Ecology of the Sonoran Coralsnake.

Anne Devan-Song
Oregon State University
The Role of Snake Biologists in Framing Snakebite Envenoming as a Social-ecological System

Jayme Haldron, Ph.D
Marshall University
Eastern Diamondback Conservation.

Jessi Krebs
Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
OHDZA Rattlesnake Welfare Assessment Project

Matej and Zuzana Dolinay
Living Zoology
Behind the Scenes - Videography of Venomous Reptiles.

Wolfgang Wuster, Ph.D
Bangor University
Why snake venom composition is so variable.