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Panel Discussions

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The IUCN SSC Viper Specialist Group is composed of a diverse group of members focused on viper conservation through Red List species assessments, applied viper conservation projects, and focal task teams addressing specific issues pertinent to viper conservation. During the VHS, we invite all attendees to join us for a session to discuss the current activities of the VSG and to encourage

feedback and suggestions from venomous snake specialists as to ways VSG can further increase its impact for viper populations. Specific topics will include a brief introduction to the group, current Red List assessment priorities, overview of some example field activities, and an update on focal priorities such as viper taxonomy, use and trade, ex-situ conservation, and reducing snakebite.

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The Rattlesnake Defense Coalition panel discussion will involve members of the newly created multi-organizational efforts to develop and implement conservation actions to protect rattlesnakes from exploitation that occurs from rattlesnake roundups, identify gaps in Federal and state protections for species critically in need of conservation efforts, and create a unified front towards that purpose. 

The panel will consist of representatives from several organizations and institutions. Attendees of the conference are encouraged to attend and participate in discussions and provide input.

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The Snakebite Roundtable Panel's purpose is to bring representatives from all disciplines involved in the study and conservation of venomous reptiles together to discuss the current treatments in envenomation, snakebite mitigation, and what efforts can be undertaken in different regions to reduce the incidence of snakebite. Attendees are encouraged to join the panel discussion, ask questions, and provide insight into these important efforts.

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